hi it m.e nico horridfrog
just as a disclaimer i KNOW how to make carrds look pretty . i was a myspacer. it too much work. Anways ,

i draw a lot of requests from my curiouscat and absolutely feel free to req (unless specifically stated otherwise)!!! or just talk to me there... i love interaction and i looove yapping about headcanons or aus or whateva..if reqs r closed i am still open to all interactions and asks just specifically no art!however . do not go into my cc Expecting free art . i draw the requests i like and i reserve the right to take my sweet time or even never do reqs . i do not go in order.!!! lots of luv tho dont let that scare ualso PLEASE if ur requesting ponies check the masterthread before asking . its in my pinned post and if ur asking for me to draw one AGAIN specify that please im tired of saying its in my masterthread

i like to draw ensemble star and PONY!!!! my favorites to draw are THESE FREAKS!!! AND kohaku oukawa i donmt want to edit the image

as of 4/22/24
inico im 16 i use HE him im a BOY and a girl occasionally and a secret third thing
im korean american ^_^
dont include me in discourse and ESPECIALLY petty fights im sorry i just do not gaf i have homework to do

my discord is horridfrogz feel free 2 add me ^_^ and im pretty much horridfrogz everywhere
mutuals can follow my private account
nonmutuals can also request but chances of being let in are low sorry
if u want to be mutuals just ask ! i follow people who are Nice to me

i obviously like . ensemble stars a lot but i also like mlp and puyo puyo and tdi and pokemon... whole bunch of interests that i may sporadically post about in between es posts
nonmedia wise i also really like bugs! this is a warning that i will probably post or retweet untagged bug content!!!!! i will Try to put a warning if i post but ,. i like them and i may forget.. maybe reconsider following if u have bug phobia..
i also looooove idogs. if u have an idoggie PLEASE show me